HC Deb 02 April 1963 vol 675 cc347-8

Amendments made: In page 157, line 10, after "Act", insert: and accordingly shall be a sewerage authority within the definition of that term in section 90 of the Public Health Act 1936".

In line 19, after "works", insert: primarily serving the sewerage area of the Greater London Council".

In line 20, leave out "the Greater London" and insert "that".

In line 21, after "sewer", insert "primarily serving that area".

In line 22, after "drainage", insert "in that area".

In line 26, at end insert "primarily serving that area".

In page 164, line 2, leave out "twenty-eight days" and insert "six weeks".

In line 11, leave out "twenty-eight days" and insert "six weeks".

In page 165, line 20, leave out "departed from in any respect" and insert "substantially departed from".

In line 22, leave out "twelve months" and insert "two years".—[Sir K. Joseph.]