HC Deb 29 November 1962 vol 668 c649
27. Mrs. White

asked the Minister of Education what consideration is being given to the establishment in London of further teacher training courses especially designed to meet the needs of married women.

Sir E. Boyle

The two day colleges already set up in the London area especially for alder students are to provide for considerably mare students than originally intended. In addition, married women can go as day students to the mainly residential colleges. They will also be able to go to the new temporary day colleges which are to be established even though these will be mainly for school leavers

Mrs. White

In view of the fact that London is by far the largest reservoir for possible married women teachers, will the Minister see that these arrangements are fully publicised so that suitable women may know in good time and can apply and make arrangements?

Sir E. Boyle

I shall certainly do my best about that. I have already approved three proposals for new temporary day units in London and Middlesex. I shall do my best to see that information about these arrangements is broadcast as much as possible.

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