- Health Centres 482 words cc1298-9
- Department of Agriculture Estate, Dunragit (Smallholdings) 300 words cc1299-300
- Quarry Plant (Contract) 488 words cc1300-2
- Welfare Foods Distribution Centres 425 words cc1302-3
- Glasgow Sheriff Court (Agents for the Poor) 455 words cc1303-4
- Flood Damage, Galloway and Dumfriesshire 246 words cc1304-5
- Forth Road Bridge (Toll Charges) 345 words cc1305-6
- Tourists (Tax) 290 words cc1306-7
- Apprentices (Day Release) 384 words c1307
- Certificate of Education (Advanced Grade) 159 words cc1307-9
- Fishing Vessel "Red Crusader" (Inquiry) 542 words