- Universities (Medical Students) 441 words cc378-80
- Sweets 594 words cc380-1
- Trustee Savings Banks (Limited Cheque Scheme) 428 words cc381-2
- Scottish Firms (Government Orders) 228 words c382
- Oil Paintings (Public Exhibition) 208 words cc382-4
- New Export Business (Taxation Relief) 485 words c384
- Plant and Machinery 172 words cc384-5
- Formula I Racing Cars (Purchase Tax) 263 words c385
- Safety Belts (Purchase Tax) 29 words cc385-6
- Service Pay and Pensions (Review) 178 words cc386-7
- Army Reserve Bill (Financial Memorandum) 253 words cc387-8
- Wages, Salaries and Dividends 440 words cc388-9
- National Economic Development Council 410 words cc389-90
- Cold Weather (Economic Consequences) 328 words cc390-3
- Pay Pause 858 words cc393-4
- Royal Society (Accommodation) 205 words c394
- Overseas Interest Charge 254 words cc394-5
- Special Deposits 255 words cc395-6
- Bank of England (Disposal of Property) 167 words cc396-7
- British Forces, Germany 431 words cc397-8
- Post-war Credits 268 words cc398-9
- National Theatre 132 words c399
- Arts Council 280 words cc399-400
- Income Tax Office, Dagenham 39 words