§ 24. Mr. Boydenasked the President of the Board of Trade how many new factories have been established on the west side of Bishop Auckland and within ten miles of the Market Place since the passing of the Local Employment Act; and how many more jobs have thereby been created.
§ Mr. N. MacphersonOne, and one extension. Industrial development certificates have been issued for three other industrial buildings. The estimates by the firms concerned of the jobs to be created are confidential.
§ Mr. BoydenDoes not the hon. Gentleman consider that this is quite shocking? Unemployment in this area is 2,300, more than when the Local Employment Act was passed. Is he aware that a number of industrialists who come to the area want a building to go into? Why does he not build them an advance factory in this western part of Durham?
§ Mr. MacphersonIf industrialists who go there want a building to go into, we shall provide it as quickly as possible.