HC Deb 07 March 1961 vol 636 cc247-8
34. Mr. Manuel

asked the President of the Board of Trade what new industrial enterprises planned for Ayrshire are likely to be in production by 1962; what is the estimated increase in employment these new enterprises will produce; and what proportion of the new jobs provided will be for youths under 18 years of age.

Mr. N. Macpherson

Ten, including six expansions, to provide 2,241 jobs.

Mr. Manuel

I take it that the hon. Gentleman means that there have been four new enterprises and six expansions. Many of us will be disappointed that he cannot give the proportion of youths under 18 years being recruited into industry. This is the crux of the whole problem. Will he consult his right hon. Friends the President of the Board of Trade and the Minister of Labour to ensure that the apprenticeships are tied to the occupation which the youngsters enter so that they do not return to the labour market because they are not tied to an apprenticeship when they are engaged?

Mr. Macpherson

I will take note of the second part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question. In answer to the first part, I think that it is well to point out that most of the new enterprises arising are expansions in enterprises either already in Scotland or elsewhere in Great Britain.

Mr. Ross

Can the hon. Gentleman tell us how many of these new enterprises are in respect not of people presently unemployed in Ayrshire but of overspill and which, therefore, will not affect the problem in Ayrshire?

Mr. Macpherson

No, Sir. I have not that information at present. The hon. Gentleman should take a Question on that point.

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