HC Deb 02 March 1961 vol 635 cc1727-8
4. Mr. Brockway

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what plans have been authorised for economic development in Swaziland through private capital investment and the Colonial Development Corporation, respectively.

Mr. Braine

I would refer the hon. Member to the Annual Report of the Colonial Development Corporation, which gives details of the economic development projects in Swaziland in which the Corporation have invested. The major projects financed by private capital concern the forestry, pulp, sugar and fruit-canning industries, and the investigation of mineral resources.

Mr. Brockway

May I again ask the hon. Gentleman if he has looked at the recommendations of the Morse Report in connection with Swaziland? Is it not the case that that Report points out that there are very great agricultural and mineral resources capable of development in Swaziland and that a grant of £2,667,260 would enable these to be realised? Have the Government reached a decision on that recommendation?

Mr. Braine

The answer is that of course I have read the recommendations and that these are being considered, but I would not wish the House to believe that nothing is being done. I mentioned a number of instances, and steps are being taken, the hon. Member may care to know, to secure Swazi participation in some of these major projects. Two forestry companies have planted certain areas of Swazi-owned land with conifers, and they are managing the estates till they mature, when the Swazis will be able to sell the timber to local mills. The Swazi nation also has seats on the board of directors of one large irrigation scheme.

Mr. Marquand

With reference to both of my hon. Friend's Questions, is the hon. Gentleman not aware that it is six months since the Morse Mission reported? How soon will he be able to come to the House and make a studied statement on the whole of the recommendations of the Morse Mission in regard to all three Territories?

Mr. Braine

If the right hon. Gentleman cares to put that question down I shall perhaps be able to give him some information, but I should not like to give an answer off the cuff.