HC Deb 31 July 1961 vol 645 c927
53. Mr. K. Robinson

asked the Minister of Health what new instructions he has given or proposes to give to his representatives on the various Whitley Councils in the light of Government policy on wages and salaries in the public service; what action he intends to take on Whitley Council agreements involving increased remuneration submitted for his approval; and whether claims will be allowed to go to arbitration as hitherto in the event of disagreement between the two sides.

Mr. Powell

I have nothing to add at present to the statement of my right hon. and learned Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Mr. Robinson

But is the Minister not aware that within the Health Service there are many of the most under-paid categories of skilled and trained staff? It would be most unfortunate and grossly unfair if they were caught in the wage freeze in the public sector which the Chancellor adumbrated last week.

Mr. Powell

I have nothing to add.