HC Deb 25 January 1961 vol 633 c154
40. Mr. Gresham Cooke

asked the Minister of Transport what were the results of the operation of the Pink Zone during the recent period; and what lessons have been learnt from it.

Mr. Hay

Traffic volumes were 7 per cent. greater than in 1959 but the arrangements worked satisfactorily. Within the zone, traffic moved faster than in the previous weeks; and London Transport reported a notable improvement on the access routes, which were given special attention this year.

Of the particular measures, we have been impressed by parking meter control and "yellow line" loading bans at key points. The results are still being studied in detail.

Mr. Gresham Cooke

Despite the rude things said by the Press about the Pink Zone, will my hon. Friend agree that it freed traffic during the Christmas period? Will he also agree that its success is entirely dependent upon having parking space available in the parks to take the overflow of cars?

Mr. Hay

I think this has undoubtedly been a valuable experiment, not least in ensuring that we were not completely overwhelmed by the increased traffic which has been experienced this year as compared with last year.

As to the question about further car parking in the parks, that is for my right hon. Friend the Minister of Works, but I hope to introduce a Bill later this afternoon which will go some way, we hope, towards solving that problem.