HC Deb 19 April 1961 vol 638 c1144
13. Mr. J. Wells

asked the Minister of Transport if he will give urgent consideration to the provision of pedestrian refuges on the A.20 road in the parish of Harrietsham.

Mr. Hay

We intend to provide refuges at the junctions of East and West Streets with A.20. The start of work must depend on the acquisition of a small amount of land to maintain the carriageway width, but I hope it will be this financial year.

Mr. Wells

Is my hon. Friend aware that with the great increase in the width of the road, and the fact that the road divides the parish in two, with the alms-houses and all the old people living on the south side and the church, the post office and the school on the north side, this is a veritable death trap? Is he also aware that it is extremely urgent that this summer some temporary refuge, if not a permanent one, should be provided?

Mr. Hay

I take note of what my hon. Friend has said.