HC Deb 25 May 1960 vol 624 cc445-6
38. Mr. F. Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Transport the name of the firm a chartered accountants which is studying the possibility of separate accounting for the railway regions; and the criteria for their selection.

Mr. Marples

I regret that I cannot add to the information I gave the hon. Member in my Answer of 22nd March. These arrangements are the responsibility of the British Transport Commission.

Mr. F. Noel-Baker

Is the Minister aware that this is an utterly unsatisfactory situation? Why should all the activities of the B.T.C. be shrouded in an impenetrable fog of mystery? Why should its operations be kept far more secret from this House and the public than those of private firms? Is it not ridiculous that we should not be told the names of members of B.T.C. boards nor of a private firm employed by them? Is it not making nonsense of the statement of the Home Secretary the other day that we were to get more information about the nationalised industries at Question Time? Will the Minister look at this matter again and give an answer to it?

Mr. Marples

The Act setting up the British Transport Commission was the responsibility of the party opposite. I must say, however, that in this particular respect the British Transport Commission has been most helpful, and I am grateful to it. It suggested the firm of accountants selected because of the firm's knowledge of the railway industry, and then instructed that firm. It was not for me to go behind the backs of the members of the Commission.

Mr. Popplewell

Will the Minister have another look at this matter? It is no good going back to the 1947 Act, for there has been the 1953 Act since then, and a lot of appointments have been made about which the public can obtain no information on remuneration and so forth. Is it not ridiculous that this type of thing should be cloaked in secrecy when there is nothing to be gained by that? Will the Minister have another look at the matter to see if he can give the public some information?

Mr. Marples

The Question on the Order Paper is about a firm of chartered accountants studying the possibility of separate accounting. The B.T.C. appointed it and there is nothing I can do about the matter.

Mr. F. Noel-Baker

In view of the entirely unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that, among other matters, I shall endeavour to raise this question on the Adjournment.

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