HC Deb 11 February 1960 vol 617 cc650-1
36. Mr. de Freitas

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in what circumstances the virus of an African type of foot-and-mouth disease escaped from the Pirbright Research Station; and whether he will make a statement.

37. Sir R. Nugent

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the source of the outbreak of an African type of foot-and-mouth disease on a farm in the neighbourhood of the Pirbright Foot-and-Mouth Research Station; and what action he is taking to restore the confidence of farmers in that part of Surrey in the effectiveness of the sanitary precautions in the Research Station.

Mr. John Hare

An investigation into the escape of an African type of foot-and-mouth disease virus from the Research Institute at Pirbright is now being made. An announcement will be made when it is completed. The outbreak that occurred at Worplesdon on 18th January has been stamped out and the infected area restrictions that have been in force in that part of Surrey were withdrawn at midnight on 8th February.

Sir R. Nugent

Is my right hon. Friend aware that there is a good deal of concern among the farming community in that part of Surrey and there is a suspicion that the outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease that have occurred from time to time over the years in the neighbourhood of Pirbright have in fact arisen from the Research Station? While there is a very efficient system of sanitary precautions in the research station, will he consider taking steps to establish more liaison between the Agricultural Research Council and the Farmers' Union in the county to let them know what is happening in the Research Station and generally to restore confidence?

Mr. Hare

I will certainly consider what my hon. Friend says, but there is no evidence at all that the two previous outbreaks at Worplesdon in 1958 and 1946 were attributable to the escape of virus from the Institute. Subject to that, I shall look at what my hon. Friend has said and I shall make available to the House the result of the inquiry which is being held at the moment.