HC Deb 11 February 1960 vol 617 c651
38. Mr. de Freitas

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he is aware that the number of calf vaccinations for contagious abortion has declined by about 50,000 over the last three years; and whether, in order to wipe out this disease, he will introduce a scheme on the lines of the successful tuberculosis eradication scheme.

Mr. John Hare

Total issues of Strain 19 vaccine from my Central Veterinary Laboratory to veterinary surgeons suggest that an increasing number of calves and heifers are being treated against contagious abortion. I have not yet decided whether to make any alteration in the existing arrangements.

Mr. de Freitas

Can the Minister say when he is likely to come to a decision, because there is a very strong feeling in the agricultural community that this terrible disease could be cured if there were a strong enough drive on the part of the Ministry?

Mr. Hare

Yes, Sir. I cannot give any definite time, but I am considering the matter. The hon. Gentleman will be interested to know that the use of this vaccine has shown a steady increase over the years. If he would like me to do so, I should very much like to send him the figures.