HC Deb 11 April 1960 vol 621 cc881-3
37. Mr. Wigg

asked the Minister of Aviation what is the basis of recalculation of expenditure for the financial year 1960–61 which will result in the saving of £10 million from the figures shown in his published estimate; and whether he will make a statement.

41. Mr. Strauss

asked the Minister of Aviation which items in his Estimates are to be reduced by £10 million.

Mr. Sandys

As a result of a recent review of the development programme, it appeared that we had budgeted for more than we were likely to spend in the coming year to the extent of at least £10 million. An adjustment will be made in Vote 9 of Class VI.

Mr. Wigg

As it has been the right hon. Gentleman's custom both in his previous office and in this one to waste money with a lavish hand, why is it that he has to make a special announcement that he is to save £10 million unless he is once again covering up something? Will he give the House a specific assurance that this special economy is not related to any amendment of the TSR.2 or the Blue Streak programmes?

Mr. Sandys

The purpose is not to cover up something but to disclose something to the House.

Mr. Strauss

Does what the Minister has just said mean that there has been a review of the amount which it is possible or likely to be spent on the orders which the Ministry has in hand during the coming year, or has a decision been made to defer or cancel any of the existing development or other orders?

Mr. Sandys

We under-spent very seriously last year in comparison with the Estimates of development projects, and the figure of £10 million is made up of reductions in our Estimates for this year's spending on a number of contracts with various firms. I think it would be contrary to well established practice to publish figures of expenditure in regard to individual weapons and aircraft.

Mr. Strauss

The right hon. Gentleman has not answered my Question. I asked whether this meant there had been a deliberate deferment or cancellation of any of the orders which had been contemplated. Does that account in any way for the reduction of £10 million?

Mr. Sandys

As a result of the review of the programme, we came to the conclusion that we had put down in the Estimates a larger sum than we thought we would spend.

Mr. Chetwynd

Does this mean that the right hon. Gentleman's Estimates Department, which has been so wildly out in the past, is getting better and there has been an improvement?

Mr. Sandys

I do not think that £10 million is so wildly out on the size of the programme that we are discussing.

Mr. Wigg rose

Mr. Jeger

On a point of order. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the Minister's reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.

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