HC Deb 12 May 1959 vol 605 c1045
50. Mr. Harold Davies

asked the Prime Minister how many shares Spain has taken in the Eurochemic Company, an agency of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, which is to treat Irradiated fuel chemically to produce plutonium; and how far Great Britain, as a member of the Organisation, agreed to Spain's entry into this company.

The Prime Minister

I understand that, although Spain has applied to join the Eurochemic Company, she has not yet done so. As an Associate Member of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation the Spanish Government is, however entitled to accede to the Eurochemic Convention and thereafter to join the Company provided it also becomes a party to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation Convention on Security Control.

Mr. Davies

Whilst thanking the Prime Minister for that answer, may I ask him whether he would be able to say that when Spain becomes a member of the Eurochemic Company, as she obviously will, we will then be applying the Common Market principle agreed on 1st January, 1959, when we said that all nuclear materials would move freely without tariffs in the Common Market and would Spain therefore be one of the nations that could receive from Chapel Cross, for instance, plutonium or fissile or other nuclear materials?

The Prime Minister

No, Sir. I would not like to answer in detail off the cuff. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman would put down another Question, or write to me, and I will then provide a complete answer.