HC Deb 23 March 1959 vol 602 c901
23. Mr. Neal

asked the Paymaster-General if he has yet given any general direction to indicate which area gas boards will pioneer the use of liquid methane.

Sir I. Horobin

No, Sir.

Mr. Neal

That is a very brief answer. Must it be assumed that the area boards which will pioneer the use of methane will be those nearest to the port facilities, and, if so, is any arrangement contemplated whereby the inland area boards will be able to share the reduction in the price of gas which will be available?

Sir I. Horobin

As the hon. Gentleman probably knows, the present work is being done by the North Thames Gas Board. Several more trips of this very interesting ship will be required before we can get down to an economic calculation. I am not making a promise, but perhaps in a few months' time we shall be in a position to say more on the matter. At the moment, however, the ship has been here only once. We are examining the figures, but it is impossible to be very explicit.