HC Deb 08 July 1959 vol 608 cc1358-9
55. Mr. Rankin

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation what action he proposes to take in view of the refusal of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry to grant the order for the closure of the roads necessary for the re-development of Prestwick Airport.

Mr. Watkinson

In consultation with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland, I am studying the implications of the Commission's report, which affect every aspect of my plans for the development of Prestwick, but I am not yet ready to say what action I propose to take.

Mr. Rankin

Does the right hon. Gentleman at least realise that all the troubles which face him now arise from the fact that he has refused to build a tunnel under the runway at Prestwick Airport? When he is thinking the matter over, will he think again about that and realise that there is still time to provide the tunnel if he is prepared to provide the money?

Mr. Watkinson

I fully agree with the hon. Gentleman that the recent decision does not make it easier to get on and provide Scotland with its international airport, which I thought was my first duty. As to the tunnel, the line of tunnel now supported is one which saves only about 800 yards of travel for a very large sum of money and, therefore, does not add to its attractiveness as far as I am concerned.

Sir T. Moore

While agreeing with much of what my right hon. Friend has said in regard to the difficulties of preparing Prestwick for supersonic aircraft which will one day come to us, will he consider giving some sort of undertaking to our local people that they can have the present crossing over the runway maintained, even if it is only for certain hours each day and Sundays, so as to allow people to get to Prestwick and to their church?

Mr. Watkinson

That is one of the matters arising from the Report of the Commission. I am giving it very careful study. I am sure everyone realises that, as soon as jet aircraft arrive, there will be very great dangers in having pedestrians and motor cars on the runway.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Is the Minister aware that the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry has amply justified the county council's opposition to this proposal? Does the right hon. Gentleman not think that it would be wise on his part to adopt a more conciliatory attitude to the county council and discuss things with it again?

Mr. Watkinson

I am always ready to discuss things with the county council, but I hope that all concerned will realise that in the end they have to choose between Scotland having its international airport or failing to have it in time. I believe that it would be a very sad thing if it failed to be ready in time.

Mr. Rankin

In view particularly of the latter part of the Minister's replies, I beg to give notice that I shall seek to raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest possible moment.