HC Deb 25 February 1959 vol 600 cc1100-2
24 and 25. Mr. J. Paton

asked the Minister of Labour (1) how many boys and how many girls, respectively, were registered on the juvenile employment register in the City of Norwich on the latest convenient date this year and on the same date in 1957 and 1958; and how many of them had been registered for one month or longer;

(2) how many men and how many women, respectively, were registered as unemployed in the City of Norwich on the latest convenient date this year and on the same date in 1957 and 1958; how the total compares with the national average; how many had been registered for three months or longer; and how many were registered for skilled and unskilled employment, respectively.

Mr. Iain Macleod

As the reply includes tables of figures I will, if I may, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Paton

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I shall study those figures with very great interest? In view of the interest shown about the effects of the bulge, of which we are all aware, is his Department taking any special steps to deal with the very serious problems which

The Tables below give the information desired:

Date Men Boys Women Girls Total Percentage rate of unemployment
11th February, 1957 1,660 27 280 5 1,972 2.5
17th February, 1958 1,994 43 305 10 2,352 2.9
9th February, 1959 2,179 40 369 9 2,597 3.2
Great Britain
11th February, 1957 253,113 9,238 109,789 7,920 380,060 1.8
17th February, 1958 289,995 11,537 113,599 9,416 424,547 1.9
12th January, 1959* 427,007 26,692 148,031 19,056 620,786 2.8
* The total figures for February are not yet available.
The monthly analysis according to duration of unemployment only distinguishes those who have been unemployed for two weeks and eight weeks respectively. The following figures show the numbers in Norwich who had been unemployed for more than eight weeks:
Men Boys Women Girls Total
11th February, 1957 821 66 887
17th February, 1958 1,161 7 104 1 1,273
9th February, 1959 1,545 8 179 1,732
It is not possible to make a precise statistical distinction between skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. An occupational analysis in December, 1958, showed, however, that about one-half of the total number of wholly unemployed men on the registers in Norwich were registered as labourers.

are expected to arise in juvenile employment over the next few years? In the City of Norwich, as he knows, the figures have increased very disturbingly. In view of the special nature of the circumstances of the City of Norwich, a great city in the midst of a very sparsely populated agricultural area, where alternative employment is almost impossible to obtain, will he consult his right hon. Friends with a view to giving special help to the area in order to keep the figures down?

Mr. Macleod

I will certainly watch the situation, but I could not promise special help for Norwich, whose situation does not compare with some areas about which I feel great anxiety and some of whose representatives have Questions on the Order Paper today.

Mr. Speaker

Miss Burton. Question No. 26.

Mr. J. Paton

May I press for an answer on juvenile employment?

Mr. Speaker

We are now on Question No. 26.

Mr. Macleod

Perhaps I may be allowed to write to the hon. Member on that subject, to which I attach great importance.

Following is the statement:

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