§ 1. Sir A. Hurdasked the Minister of Works what further experiments are being conducted to keep Trafalgar Square and the adjoining public buildings clear of roosting starlings and the mess they leave.
§ The Minister of Works (Lord John Hope)The experiments with a bird repellent compound, which were referred to in the House last November, have been extended. Their success is encouraging, and I propose to continue with this repellent.
§ Sir A. HurdI thank my right hon. Friend for that Answer. May we take it that he regards the starling in London and elsewhere as a rather undesirable character and that he will keep him on the move as far as possible? Is my right hon. Friend getting the best possible technical advice, both from Oxford and from America, where, I understand, the problem is being tackled?
§ Lord John HopeI will look into that last point and check it, but this has been so successful that I doubt whether anyone could think of anything better.