§ 17. Mr. McInnesasked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of smoke control areas in operation under the Clean Air Act, 1956, the number of local authorities who have submitted smoke control programmes, and the number who have not yet done so.
§ Mr. MaclayThree smoke control area orders are in operation, two others have been confirmed and preliminary details of eleven more have been brought to my notice. Smoke control programmes for the next five years have so far been submitted by four of the ninety authorities whom I asked in June to do so by the end of this year.
§ Mr. McInnesI assumed that the right hon. Gentleman would give us some information about why there has been such slow progress in Scotland in connection with this matter.
§ Mr. MaclayAs I think the hon. Member knows, I have recently circulated all local authorities involved asking them to speed up their proposals for smoke control zones. I am awaiting their replies.