§ 45. Mr. Frank Allaunasked the Prime Minister, in view of the fact that plutonium and carbon 14 have been detected recently in fall-out in other countries, to what extent inspection is now being undertaken in Great Britain to detect these substances in addition to strontium 90 and caesium.
§ Mr. MaudlingI have been asked to reply.
The possibility of adding these items to the national monitoring programme is being considered.
The fall-out of plutonium is of far less significance for health than strontium 90. Carbon 14 is not present in fall-out, but stays in the atmosphere along with that naturally formed by cosmic ray bombardment.
§ Mr. AllaunWill the right hon. Gentleman see that these deposits are inspected as quickly as possible, since it is considered that in view of the fact that they are so much longer-lived than strontium they may eventually prove far more dangerous?
§ Mr. MaudlingThis matter is receiving urgent consideration.