HC Deb 12 November 1958 vol 595 cc358-60
4. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to what extent the new roads construction programme and road improvements generally are corresponding to the growth of vehicle population in Great Britain; and what is that rate of growth.

Mr. Watkinson

New construction and improvements in the present road programme are designed to cater for traffic increases for many years to come. The rate of growth of vehicles in Great Britain is estimated at about 8 per cent. per annum.

Mr. Nabarro

Having regard to the ending of the credit squeeze and the freeing of all hire-purchase restrictions, is not the rate of growth of the vehicle population likely to be considerably stimulated? Has my right hon. Friend taken account of this important factor in deciding the size of the road expansion programme during the immediate future?

Mr. Watkinson

We could have great fun with statistics. I can tell my hon. Friend that the authorisations for new roads increased by no less than 80 per cent. in 1957–758 over 1956–77, which might seem to give us a fair margin over the 8 per cent.

Mr. Ernest Davies

Is not it a fact that there are considerable arrears to make up—[HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."]— owing to the fact that the increase in the motor car population has been far greater than was anticipated, as has been shown by figures published by the Road Research Laboratory? Is the Minister really satisfied that the present rate of road construction is equal to the growth and is overtaking those arrears?

Mr. Watkinson

I do not feel myself responsible for the arrears; responsibility for those does not lie on this side of the House entirely. We try to re-assess the growth in car population, and we are re-assessing this again at the moment. I do not disagree with my hon. Friend the Member for Kidderminster (Mr. Nabarro). I hope there will be a great many more motor cars. I hope also that I shall be able to build enough roads for them.

Mr. Nabarro

A jolly good answer.

23. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if he will now announce the nature of the roads programme, and the expenditure proposed, to follow the current roads programme.

Mr. Watkinson

Preparatory work for the extension of the road programme is well in hand, and I propose to give priority to getting the maximum of work under construction rather than announce detailed plans a long way ahead.

Mr. Davies

Without asking for the detailed plans, will the Minister announce the total of the road programme so that the House is informed whether it is being increased or not? Is not it a fact that this four-year programme has been announced, that it will be running down fairly shortly, and that, unless the programme is extended, there will be a diminution in the work being done?

Mr. Watkinson

The four-year programme is not running down at the moment. It is running up very fast.