HC Deb 12 November 1958 vol 595 cc364-5
21. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether he is aware of the contribution made to parking facilities by the Coventry City Council on the roof of their new circular retail market, and that this roof car park will eventually be linked with other car parks at the higher level; and if he will encourage such facilities elsewhere in view of the parking problem in most cities.

Mr. Nugent

I welcome the initiative taken by the Coventry City Council in this matter. As my right hon. Friend said on 23rd October, in reply to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for Wembley, South (Mr. Russell), it is our policy to give every help and encouragement within our powers to local authorities and private enterprise to provide additional off-street parking accommodation.

Miss Burton

While I am very glad to hear the Minister's commendation of the forward policy of the Coventry City Council, may I ask him if there is any chance of dealing on a similar basis with the problem in London? Is he aware that in the street where I live, motor cars are parked morning, noon and night and also at the weekend, and that the position is becoming quite intolerable? Will the Minister ensure that, if people have to park cars outside houses, they should park them outside their own and not outside other people's houses?

Mr. Nugent

I agree, and I myself suffer from the same difficulty in this matter as the hon. Lady; but we still take the view that this is a responsibility of the local authority concerned and private enterprise. While we are willing to help where we can, we think that the responsibility should lie there.