HC Deb 11 November 1958 vol 595 cc174-5
18. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he received the Dundee development plan from Dundee Corporation; when he returned it to the Corporation; and why his consideration of the plan was so prolonged.

Mr. Maclay

The plan was submitted in June, 1956, and my conclusions were conveyed to the corporation last month. This is not an unusually long period for the examination of a major development plan where objections involving a public inquiry are lodged, as they were in this case.

Mr. Thomson

Is the Secretary of State aware that there is a well-founded suspicion in Dundee that the delay was due to the fact that he was dithering over whether to go ahead with preparations for a Tay Road Bridge? I hope that he will redeem his indecisiveness tomorrow, when we bring a deputation of the local authorities concerned to meet his upon the subject of a Tay Road Bridge.

Mr. Maclay

The suspicion to which the hon. Member referred is, of course, not well founded. The question of a Tay Road Bridge is a separate matter, and, although I agree that it links up to some extent with the development plan, I do not want to say anything in advance of the deputation which, as the hon. Member says, is coming to see me.