HC Deb 03 February 1958 vol 581 cc799-800
33. Mr. Hayman

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are the percentages of uninspected meat passing through slaughterhouses in county boroughs and outside county boroughs, respectively.

Mr. Godber

The information is not readily available, but I will write to the hon. Member as soon as it has been obtained.

Mr. Hayman

I thank the Joint Parliamentary Secretary for that reply. Will he take account of the fact that the percentage outside county boroughs seems to be very much higher than it is inside? Will he also take into account the fact that the Association of Public Health Inspectors seems to view with some anxiety the figures he has given?

Mr. Godber

I agree with the hon. Member that the greater proportion is probably within the larger areas, but we have taken special steps to help those areas which export meat by making payments towards the cost of meat inspection.

Mr. Champion

Is not the Joint Parliamentary Secretary aware that it is disgusting that uninspected meat should reach the public? Will he not take advantage of the Slaughterhouses Bill now going through the House to ensure that no uninspected meat reaches the public?

Mr. Godber

I agree with the hon. Member that we want 100 per cent. meat inspection. We are as keen to see that as is anyone else. However, there are difficulties, and I do not know that the Slaughterhouses Bill can absolutely ensure it. We are having a good deal of advice on that matter from some of the hon. Member's hon. Friends, and I am sorry that he is not with us in the Committee.

34. Mr. Hayman

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the estimated quantity of uninspected meat passing through slaughterhouses and becoming available for human consumption.

Mr. Godber

I cannot give a precise figure, but we estimate it is about one-fifth of the total meat passing through slaughterhouses.

Mr. Willey

While appreciating the steps taken by the Department, will the Joint Parliamentary Secretary give favourable consideration to the new Clause to the Slaughterhouses Bill which we intend to put down to provide for complete inspection?

Mr. Godber

I am afraid that I cannot be drawn as far as that.