HC Deb 04 March 1957 vol 566 cc26-8
63. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Health when it is intended to implement the promises made to the hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent, South that the urgently required extensions would be made to the North Staffordshire Infirmary.

Mr. Vosper

The regional hospital board has included in its capital programme a new casualty and accident department, which it is hoped to start building next year.

Mr. Ellis Smith

While attributing no responsibility in the matter to the present Minister, will the right hon. Gentleman see that this matter is now given super- priority? I specially visited this place early on Friday morning to see the appalling conditions. Is he aware that the hut which is now housing a great surgeon and a very fine staff of nurses, together with disabled miners and others, was built in the First World War and was used for a soldiers' sports centre? Is it not disgraceful that we should have expected these very fine people to have carried on for so long in these appalling conditions, and will not he give the matter super-priority?

Mr. Vosper

I am aware of what the hon. Gentleman says, and that is why this project is in the 1958–59 programme. In fact, I understand that some preliminary work is in the 1957–58 programme.

64. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Health if he can make a statement on the investigations made by Government investigators during the past few years and in February, 1957, at the North Staffordshire Infirmary, Stoke-on-Trent.

Mr. Vosper

I assume the hon. Member is referring to visits made by my officers which have been made to consider the proposals of those locally responsible.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Can we have some information about them?

Mr. Vosper

I am afraid not in reply to this Question, because they were made in response to many detailed proposals made by the local authorities. I could write to the hon. Gentleman on that point; but hardly in reply to a Parliamentary Question.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the Minister do that?

Mr. Vosper indicated assent.

Mr. Ellis Smith

I am much obliged.

65. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Health what representations he has received during the past years about the urgent need for extensions at the North Staffordshire Infirmary, Stoke-on-Trent; what kind of facilities exist there in the huts built of wood; whether the accommodation is satisfactory; and what are the facilities provided for injured and disabled workpeople.

Mr. Vosper

Representations have been received during the last three years from the hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent, Central (Dr. Stross) and the hon. Member for Newcastle-under-Lyme (Mr. Swingler), as well as from the hon. Member himself. A large wooden hut is in use for the accident follow-up clinic, and a similar one for the skin department. The accident accommodation is not satisfactory, and it will be replaced by the proposed new casualty department. Comprehensive treatment facilities are provided for the injured in the main hospital building.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Is the Minister aware that this is a large industrial area making an enormous contribution towards the solution of Britain's economic problems; and, in view of the seriousness of this for the miners and their special needs, will he give it personal attention?

Mr. Vosper

Yes, but I do not think I can add to what I have already said in answer to the hon. Gentleman's first Question.