HC Deb 04 July 1957 vol 572 cc1302-3
53. Mr. P. Williams

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education whether he is now in a position to announce the further plans for the Sunderland Technical College.

Sir E. Boyle

The building programme approved by my noble Friend for the current year includes a hostel for about fifty students and a project costing some £200,000 for accommodation on a separate site which will remove the lower level engineering and commercial courses from the main buildings. The programme approved for 1958–59 includes a £350,000 extension to the teaching accommodation of the main college, which should enable all departments to expand.

Mr. Williams

Is my hon. Friend aware of the dissatisfaction about the Minister's decision on the naming of the College of Advanced Technology for the North-East and will he give me three assurances: first, that the Sunderland Technical College will be able to carry on the advanced work which has already been approved by the Minister secondly, that the Sunderland Technical College will be able in the near future to qualify as a second College of Advanced Technology in the North-East; and thirdly, that if the governors of this college wish to see the Minister, he will be available to see them?

Sir E. Boyle

On the last of those points, I will refer to my noble Friend what my hon. Friend has said. I can, however, assure him that the Northern Advisory Council is to consider at an early meeting the whole question of the pattern of advanced technological education in the North-East in the light of my noble Friend's decision to designate a College of Advanced Technology there.

Mr. Willey

In view of the grave disappointment that the noble Lord's decision has caused in Sunderland, will the Parliamentary Secretary assure the House that this is one of the matters that will be discussed when he receives the deputation from Sunderland?

Sir E. Boyle

There is no question of the decision being altered, but I can promise the hon. Member that there will be full discussion and consideration by the Northern Advisory Council of the whole pattern of advanced technological education in the area.

Mr. Willey

In view of the unsatisfactory reply by the Parliamentary Secretary, I give notice that I will endeavour to raise this matter as soon as possible on the Adjournment.