HC Deb 04 July 1957 vol 572 c1296
40. Mr. Stonehouse

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what assistance is given to African and non-African farmers, respectively, in Swaziland from the Land Bank, State subsidies and other Government sources.

Mr. Alport

Over the five years 1st April, 1952, to 31st March, 1957, African farmers in Swaziland have received loans both from Swaziland Government sources and from the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund. Non-African farmers have received loans from Swaziland Government sources or, if they are land owners, from the Swaziland Land and Agricultural Loan Fund. Total sums borrowed in the five-year period were in round figures: Africans, £136,000; non-Africans, £30,000.

Mr. Stonehouse

Is the Under-Secretary aware that there is public feeling in Swaziland that the amount of assistance for land development is not sufficient? Will he have another look at this mattes to see what can be done?

Mr. Alport

I will certainly note the point the hon. Member has made.