HC Deb 12 November 1956 vol 560 c533
7. Mr. Hastings

asked the Minister of Health how many deaths occurred as the result of a fall in cleaning windows in each of the last three years by professional window cleaners and others, respectively.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

The information desired is not available.

Mr. Hastings

Does the Minister realise that every year many window cleaners are killed? Would he consider consulting the Home Secretary to see whether something can be done, by way of regulation or otherwise, to make this industry less dangerous and, if necessary, whether an inquiry should not be made as to the number of deaths and what can be done in the matter?

Miss Hornsby-Smith

I think the supplementary point raised by the hon. Member is more a question for the Home Office. The difficulty about dividing accidents from falls into those concerned with window cleaning and those not is that it would be necessary, after separating those cases from the records, to check in every case on the coroner's certificate to see whether falling from a ladder while window cleaning was the cause of the accident.