HC Deb 31 May 1956 vol 553 cc557-8
Mr. Watkinson

I beg to move, in page I5, line 5, to leave out: With the consent of the Minister. I do not know whether it would be for the convenience of the House to take them together, but all the Amendments to Clause 16—there are five of them—deal with one quite necessary but, I think. non-controversial point. It is that we have not yet had very much experience of parking meters. Originally, the Bill was drawn rather too tightly and gave the local authorities very little scope as to what they could do with the sums which they had collected from parking meters from year to year. For example, they were not able to carry them over.

The purpose of these Amendments is to enable the local authorities to carry forward any amounts in the prescribed accounts to the next financial year and apply them to any prescribed purposes in that financial year without my consent. In other words, they really give the local authorities more power within a reasonable framework to decide how they carry forward moneys which they have collected from the parking meters. Though I will certainly answer any detailed comments which any hon. Member wishes to make, I hope the Amendments may be dealt with formally.

Sir P. Roberts

May I ask one question on detail? By extending the period to four years, will that make any difference to the accountability or the public knowledge of the accounts year by year of the local authorities?

Mr. Watkinson


Sir P. Roberts

I am much obliged to my right hon. Friend.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

Before we pass from the last of the detailed Amendments which have been before the House concerning parking meters, I should like to say that we have had a very large number and they have taken a considerable time. I think it is appropriate to make the comment that it is quite clear that, when these provisions were originally put in the Bill, they had not been thought out half as wcll as they ought to have been before they came before the House. We have now had to amend these provisions in great detail and at great length. There have been second thoughts, and I am very glad that there have been, and that a number of authorities and people have been consulted. Neverthelss, the first thoughts should have been far more complete than they were, and we ought not to have had to make these innumerable detailed Amendments at this stage of the Bill. I think that comment should be made, because it expresses the view of my hon. Friends on this side.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 15, line 9, at end insert: but shall not be carried forward from one quadrennial period to another without the consent of the Minister". In line 18, at end insert: and whether in the open or under cover". In line 24, at end insert: and whether in the open or under cover". In line 27, at end insert: (5) "Quadrennial period" means, in relation to a local authority, a period beginning with the date when the local authority first keep the account required by subsection (1) of this section and ending with the fourth complete financial year after that date, or a period of four years beginning immediately after the expiration of a quadrennial period.—[Mr. Watkinson.]