HC Deb 09 May 1956 vol 552 c1192
19. Major Anstruther-Gray

asked the Postmaster-General how many new telephones have been installed in East Lothian during the last 12 months; how many applications are now outstanding; and the usual delay after application has been made before a telephone is provided in cases where no special priority can be claimed.

Dr. Hill

Two hundred and ninety-one telephones were connected in the past year and 104 applications are outstanding, apart from those in course of being met or under inquiry. The interval between application and provision is, in straightforward cases, about eight weeks, though, where plant and equipment are in full use, the acceptance of new subscribers must inevitably await new construction.

Major Anstruther-Gray

Am I right in thinking that these encouraging figures show an improvement over previous years?

Dr. Hill

Perhaps it would help my hon. and gallant Friend if I say that the present waiting list in East Lothian, including applications under investigation, is 174, and it is expected that 330 new lines will be connected in the next twelve months.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Does it not appear that East Lothian is getting preferential treatment, whereas there are still places in South Wales which have been waiting for five years?

Dr. Hill

It is true that East Lothian is more fortunate than other areas, but there is no truth in the suggestion that it is getting preferential treatment.

Major Anstruther-Gray

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that East Lothian deserves more telephones than other areas?

Hon. Members


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