HC Deb 02 May 1956 vol 552 c377
9. Mr. N. Pannell

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many public corporations have been set up in the Eastern Region of Nigeria; for what

Name of Body Purpose Source of Finance
1. Eastern Region Marketing Board. To buy and sell certain agricultural produce. Mainly from the difference between the buying and selling prices of the commodities with which it deals.
*2. Eastern Region Development Corporation. To formulate, promote and execute development projects. Periodic grants from the Marketing Board and its predecessors.
*3. Eastern Region Finance Corporation. To finance development projects companies, etc. £2m. grant from the Marketing Board.
4. Eastern Nigeria Printing Corporation. To print and publish material of all kinds. Loan of £200,000 to be made by the Finance Corporation.
5. Pharmaceutical Corporation To manufacture and sell drugs Loan of £50,000 to be made by the Finance Corporation.
6. Cinema Corporation of Nigeria To produce and exhibit films Loan of £100,000 to be made by the Finance Corporation.
7. Tourist Corporation of Eastern Nigeria. To promote tourism Loan of £100,000 to be made by the Finance Corporation.
8. Eastern Nigeria Information Service. To provide news and publicity for the Region. 1. Annual votes from Government Revenue.
2. £100,000 interest free loan to be made by the Finance Corporation.
9. Sports Commission To encourage amateur sport Grant of £50,000 from the Finance Corporation.
10. Eastern Region Library Board To establish and maintain public libraries. Grant of £35,000 from the Finance Corporation.
* The Finance Corporation will be merged with the Development Corporation when the Eastern Region Development Corporation (Amendment) Law 1956, which was passed by the House of Assembly in March, 1956, comes into operation.