HC Deb 27 March 1956 vol 550 c1968
54. Mr. Randall

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government on what date he proposes to hold a public inquiry into the Chandles compulsory purchase orders, numbers 1 and 2.

Mr. Sandys

The inquiry into the Chandless No. 1 Compulsory Purchase Order has been fixed for 29th May. I have not yet received the Chandless No. 2 Order, but if it arrives soon the inquiry can probably be held at the same time.

Mr. Randall

Is the Minister aware of the desperate housing shortage in Gateshead, and that the slum clearance scheme which is under consideration will go a long way to relieve the problem in that borough? Can the Minister give an assurance that after the hearing there will be no further delay in proceeding with the project? May I also ask him whether Gateshead is one of the cities on his list for visiting, because he will certainly be welcome there to see the slums?

Mr. Sandys

I can assure the hon. Gentleman that we shall give a decision as quickly as possible after the inquiry has been held. I would add that I cannot accept invitations to go everywhere.