HC Deb 21 March 1956 vol 550 c1230
28. Captain Pilkington

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation what action he proposes to take to deal with slow-moving very large loads which now hold up many vehicles and waste thousands of hours.

Mr. Watkinson

Such loads are already subject to a considerable degree of control. Proposals for further measures intended to reduce the congestion and delay caused to other traffic were circulated on 26th November for the consideration of representative organisations, and I am now examining the position in the light of the replies I have received.

Captain Pilkington

Can my right hon. Friend say whether those proposals include a much greater use of travelling late at night or in the early hours of the morning? Could not those vehicles be suitably lit up so that there would be no danger if they were used in that way?

Mr. Watkinson

My hon. and gallant Friend has put his finger on the danger. If we shift these bulky loads at night, particularly on narrow roads, we should need to have special lighting arrangements for them, but I will look into the suggestion.

Mr. Steele

Will the right hon. Gentleman consult the Home Secretary in connection with the use of police patrol cars for escorting these very heavy loads, as I understand that no charge is being made for the service of these patrol cars?

Mr. Watkinson

I will certainly look into that point.