HC Deb 08 March 1956 vol 549 cc2279-310
    1. cc2279-80
    2. New Schools 397 words
    3. cc2280-1
    4. Teachers, Midlands (Supply) 262 words
    5. c2281
    6. Teaching of English 152 words
    7. cc2281-2
    8. Average School Day, London and Middlesex 225 words
    9. cc2282-3
    10. Primary Schools 175 words
    11. cc2283-4
    12. Grammar Schools (Premature Leaving) 290 words
    13. cc2284-7
    14. Technical Education 1,092 words
    15. c2287
    16. Sub-normal Children (Special Schools) 186 words
    17. cc2287-8
    18. Teachers (Local Authority Membership) 299 words
    19. cc2288-9
    20. Secondary Modern Schools (Examinations) 201 words
    21. cc2289-90
    22. School Building Programme (Secondary School Places) 274 words
    23. cc2290-1
    24. Imperial Institute (Future) 346 words
    25. cc2291-2
    26. University Places (Foreign Students) 190 words
    1. cc2292-3
    2. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Finance) 284 words
    3. c2293
    4. Pakistan (Consequential Provision) Bill 120 words
    1. cc2293-4
    2. Monopolies Commission 233 words
    3. c2294
    4. Witham 185 words
    5. cc2294-9
    6. Motor Car Industry 1,454 words
    7. c2299
    8. Nickel-bearing Ores, Southern Rhodesia 203 words
    9. cc2299-300
    10. Radio Sets and Radiogramophones (Imports from Germany) 149 words
    11. cc2300-1
    12. Hire-Purchase Restrictions (Credit-Sale Agreements) 327 words
    13. cc2301-2
    14. United Kingdom-Irish Republic 356 words
    15. c2302
    16. Whisky (Exports to United States) 143 words
    17. cc2302-4
    18. Anglo-Australian Trade 497 words
    19. cc2304-5
    20. Sports Footwear (Anglo- German Trade) 507 words
    21. cc2305-6
    22. Thoroughbred Horses (Imports and Exports) 173 words
    23. cc2306-7
    24. Castor Oil (Sales) 215 words
    25. c2307
    26. Patent Applications 120 words
    1. cc2307-8
    2. Tax Law (Advertising Expenditure) 311 words
    3. cc2308-9
    4. Control Arrangements, South Africa 265 words
    5. c2309
    6. Surtax (Deputation) 175 words
    7. cc2309-10
    8. Income Tax (Small Pensions) 171 words
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