HC Deb 25 July 1956 vol 557 cc393-5
12. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation why, on Al just south of Newark, the road has been recently widened in two separate lengths totalling about one mile to a width of only 28 feet; and with which standard laid down by his Department this width conforms.

Mr. Molson

The work of widening the carriageway of this road to 30 ft. was carried out in the summer of last year as part of the policy of improving the Great North Road. The surfacing consists of bituminous macadam 28 ft. wide with a concrete strip 1 ft. wide on each side. The design is in accordance of the standards applicable at that time

Mr. Janner

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that road users are of the opinion that this is not wide enough? Will he give some consideration to the possibility of widening the road to a different standard?

Mr. Molson

In Circular 727 issued by my right hon. Friend, now the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance, a higher standard has been introduced. That is why in my original reply I said that what had been done in this case complied with the standards which were in operation at that time. Owing to the large amount of traffic on this road, it is ultimately intended to provide dual carriageways of 24 ft. width.

13. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether he is aware of the dangerous road conditions on A1 near and through Stevenage and the new town; and what steps he proposes to take to speed up the construction of the by-pass which was originally authorised in 1947.

Mr. Watkinson

Yes, Sir. I have authorised the acquisition of the necessary land for this by-pass, so that as soon as funds can be made available for the constructional work there should be no delay in putting it in hand.

Mr. Janner

Has the right hon. Gentleman any idea when the funds will be available? Will he press his colleague the Chancellor of the Exchequer to see that they are made available soon, because this is a very dangerous position?

Mr. Watkinson

That may be so, but I cannot build a by-pass until I have bought the land, and that, as the hon. Member knows, is quite a long job.