HC Deb 24 July 1956 vol 557 cc188-90
19. Mr. George Craddock

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he has now completed his inquiries into petrol distribution in the United Kingdom; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Walker-Smith

My right hon. Friend is considering the representations which have been made to him that the distribution of petrol should be referred to the Monopolies Commission, but he is not yet ready to make any further statement.

Mr. Craddock

Is there any truth in the statement that distributors who do not join the large combines are charged 4d. a gallon more for their petrol?

Mr. Walker-Smith

I could not answer that question, at any rate without notice. If the hon. Member wants further specific information, perhaps he will agree to put a Question on the Order Paper.

Mr. H. Wilson

Is the hon. and learned Gentleman not aware that in the last three or four years the whole machinery of petrol distribution in this country has been revolutionised, and practically all garage proprietors, against their will in most cases, have been forced into these exclusive arrangements, and that the majority of consumers have shown that they are against them? In these circumstances, if the hon. and learned Gentleman is not going to refer the matter to the Monopolies Commission—and we understand that he cannot announce at this moment whether he is going to do so or not—will he consider establishing a Departmental inquiry into the whole question of oil distribution and the distribution by garage proprietors of accessories in the motor trade?

Mr. Walker-Smith

That is a large question, and I do not think that it arises at present.

Mr. Craddock

Do I understand from the Minister that in the inquiries made so far this point has not emerged?

Mr. Walker-Smith

I did not mean to suggest that. All I said to the hon. Member was that, as it was not a point on which I was on notice, it was not a point that I had in mind. That is all that I intended to say.

Mr. Wilson

Has the hon. and learned Gentleman not studied the various representations made from this side of the House and through the authoritative article in the Economist on 14th January this year, more than six months ago? Has he not received a copy of the authoritative announcement issued by the Motor Accessories Manufacturers' Association?

Mr. Walker-Smith

Yes, Sir. I have studied a large and comprehensive literature on this and allied subjects, but I am not in a position to confirm whether statistics of the kind to which the hon. Member for Bradford, South (Mr. George Craddock) referred are correct or otherwise, except on notice.

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