HC Deb 10 July 1956 vol 556 c186
35. Mr. K. Thompson

asked the Secretary of State for War what administrative arrangements exist for notifying men serving overseas of sudden changes in their domestic circumstances.

Mr. Head

Relatives may send special telegrams at United Kingdom inland rates to a soldier wherever he is serving.

Mr. Thompson

May I ask my right hon. Friend if the relatives know that fact, and how they get to know it? Secondly, may I ask him what happens if a message goes direct to the War Office containing information of this kind? What does the War Office do about it?

Mr. Head

The answer to the first part of the supplementary question is that this information has been posted on all notice boards throughout the Army, but obviously we cannot write to all relatives. It is the only way in which we can inform people of a practice which has existed for a long time. I think that the second part of the supplementary question arises on the next Question.

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