HC Deb 07 November 1955 vol 545 cc1476-7
40. Mr. Gower

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any further statement to make regarding the British-born wives of citizens of Czechoslovakia and other Eastern European countries who wish to visit or return to the United Kingdom.

Mr. Turton

Her Majesty's Government have noted with satisfaction that since Parliament rose for the Recess last July a total of 84 British-born women in satellite countries have been granted permission to travel to this country. Of these 61 are from Poland, 19 from Czechoslovakia and two from both Hungary and Roumania.

Mr. Gower

is not this a most gratifying and remarkable result for the Government and the Eastern European Governments concerned and can my right hon. Friend say whether some indication of our thanks to those countries will be conveyed to them? [HON. MEMBERS: "Why?"]

Mr. Turton

This is a welcome development away from barbarity to a normal state of affairs.