HC Deb 31 March 1955 vol 539 c544
43. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will introduce legislation to allow persons entitled to vote at general elections, who are away from their homes on holiday, to vote by postal ballot.

Major Lloyd-George

The suggestion made by my hon. Friend would not, I think, command universal approval, and I cannot contemplate legislation to give effect to it.

Mr. Johnson

Can my right hon. Friend say what are the main objections to the implementation of such a proposal which, I believe, would be popular?

Major Lloyd-George

Amongst other things, it would be extremely difficult to define what is a holiday. There may be all sorts of things like people going away for a day or two days. It would also involve an enormous amount of work.

Mr. Ede

Would not the whole question be solved by not having a general election during the holiday months?

Major Lloyd-George

There is the other solution of not having any holidays.