HC Deb 23 March 1955 vol 538 cc2057-9
27. Miss Burton

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the unsatisfactory postal service in the W.1area of London; that repeated complaints have been made by the hon. Member for Coventry, South; that this seems to have no effect on the W.1 postal service; and, in view of the fact that it is impossible to carry out the work of a Member of Parliament if mail is mislaid or not delivered, what steps he proposes to take to remedy the position.

Sir. E. Boyle

I am very sorry that the hon. Member should have been troubled in the way she has by the incorrect treatment of her correspondence in the post and would assure her that everything possible is being done to avoid a repetition of the regrettable mishaps from which her mail has suffered in recent months.

Miss Burton

While I appreciate that this is not the fault of the hon. Gentleman, I know the House will sympathise when I say that on Friday last my mail went to Liverpool instead of coming here. Will the hon. Gentleman make it quite clear to his hon. Friend that it is only through the courtesy and help of the Postmaster in the House of Commons that these mistakes have been rectified?

Sir. E. Boyle

I agree that it is certainly most unfortunate these mistakes were made on 18th March. Possibly it is not the fault of the Post Office—there is some doubt about that—but I will gladly pass on the hon. Lady's comments about the House of Commons Postmaster.

Lieut.-Colonel Bromley-Davenport

Is not this typical of any nationalised industry or State monopoly—worse service at increased cost?

Mr. Wilkins

Will the hon. Gentleman suggest to the Assistant Postmaster-General that there should be a more thorough investigation into the non-delivery of mail, because I have received complaints of up to four days' delay in the delivery of letters in the constituency of the hon. and gallant Member for Knutsford (Lieut.-Colonel Bromley-Davenport), and also letters from Oxford to Bristol? Will the hon. Gentleman have inquiries made to ascertain whether there are some mechanical defects which are responsible for letters being mislaid or lost?

Lieut.-Colonel Bromley-Davenport

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. Is it not rather de trop for an hon. Member to refer to another hon. Member's constituency?

Mr. Wilkins

Further to that point of order. I did advise the hon. and gallant Member that I proposed to mention his constituency.

Hon. Members


Mr. Speaker

Order. What is or is not de trop is not a point of order.