HC Deb 23 March 1955 vol 538 cc2044-5
15. Sir. D. Robertson

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he is aware of the gravity of the situation which developed in Caithness and Sutherland during the recent snow storms through lack of public telephones; and if he will take immediate steps to supply additional public telephones to remedy the situation.

Sir. E. Boyle

There has been no general complaint that there were not enough public telephones in Caithness and Sutherland during the recent snowstorms. On the contrary there has been general agreement that the public telephones materially assisted operation "Snowdrop." Any instances my hon. Friend has in mind will gladly be looked into, but I would remind him that the sites and number of the rural kiosks are fixed after consultation with the county council.

Sir. D. Robertson

Will my hon. Friend draw to the attention of the Postmaster-General the fact that public telephones are much needed? I can supply any amount of evidence. Is it not a fact that in Caithness and Sutherland telephone kiosks have been dealt out like gold dust? Sometimes in a year not one new kiosk has been installed.

Sir. E. Boyle

I hope my hon. Friend will remember that if the telephone managers devote more of their resources to public telephone kiosks many applicants, including farmers, who are awaiting telephones will have to wait still longer.

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