26. Mr. Philips Priceasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he proposes to take, now that the rabbit population is the lowest in living memory, to prevent an increase again in its numbers and to prevent the introduction of rabbits from abroad.
Mr. AmoryIt is most important that the present favourable position should be fully exploited, and I feel sure that all concerned will co-operate to this end. County agricultural executive committees are actively engaged in organising concerted action against surviving rabbits, and extensive rabbit clearance areas are being designated under the Pests Act. The importation of non-indigenous rabbits is prohibited by the Non-Indigenous Rabbits (Prohibition of Importation and Keeping) Order, 1954.
Mr. AmoryI have no information that indigenous rabbits have been imported, which I think is what the hon. Gentleman has in mind.
§ Mr. NicholsonCan my right hon. Friend say how many clearance areas have already been designated, and whether the importation of non-indigenous rabbits should not be the business of the Secretary of State for "Non-Indigenous" Affairs?
Mr. AmoryI will, if I may, confine my answer to the first part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question. So far, twenty-four Orders have been made designating rabbit clearance areas in eighteen counties covering over 1 million acres. A further number of Orders now under consideration also cover a very substantial area.
§ Mr. de FreitasAre these imports of indigenous rabbits what are known as invisible imports?
§ 27. Mr. G. Williamsasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is aware of the increasing number of young wild rabbits that are appearing in the countryside; and what estimate he has formed of the present numbers and distribution.
Mr. AmorySmall numbers of young wild rabbits are appearing here and there in the south of England and in Wales. There are more in the north, where myxomatosis has not yet run its full course.
§ Mr. WilliamsWill the Minister say whether, if he judges from what has happened in other countries, he expects the whole rabbit population to return in due course? Will he also tell us whether, should the rabbits return, he thinks they will be immune from myxomatosis or not?
Mr. AmoryI think it is too soon for us to make any forecasts about immunity, but I should like to repeat what I said earlier, that we really must make every possible use of the present opportunity, take no chances, and do everything we possibly can to keep down the number of rabbits.
Mr. Philips PriceCan the right hon. Gentleman say what has happened in France since the outbreak began? Have the rabbits returned there?
Mr. AmoryI think that the lesson from the Continent is that we must be very vigilant, prosecute our efforts with very great intensity, and take no chances.
§ Sir L. RopnerCan my right hon. Friend say whether it is an offence to import into a locality already freed from rabbits a strain of rabbits which is claimed to be immune to myxomatosis? Should it not be made, on both agricultural and humane grounds, a criminal offence to reinfest the countryside with this pest?
Mr. AmoryI have certain powers which I intend to exercise against anyone who introduces rabbits into an area which has been cleared.