HC Deb 11 July 1955 vol 543 cc1570-2
44. Mr. Fell

asked the Minister of Health the qualifications of each member of the Dental Estimates Board, with special reference to orthodontics; and for what period, and when, any of the members were practising orthodontists.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

As the answer involves detail, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Fell

Yes, but can my hon. Friend tell me whether any of the members of the Dental Board are qualified in orthodontics and whether they have practised orthodontics in recent years? In particular, can she tell me how often assessors or members of the Board—I suppose it should be and/or—have had a refresher or post-graduate course in orthodontics so as to keep themselves up to date? They certainly cannot do it without.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

I think that if my hon. Friend awaits the list which he will see in the OFFICIAL REPORT tomorrow, he will find that he is barking up the wrong tree and that the members of the Board are fully qualified and experienced in orthodontics.

Mr. Fell

I must ask my hon. Friend, before she accuses me of barking up wrong trees, to allow me to have a look at the answer. She has still not answered the tree up which I am barking, which is, how many of these members are attending refresher or post-graduate courses? It is perfectly true that I did not ask her this in the Question.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

My hon. Friend must realise that one cannot be expected to know about refresher courses in regard to members of what is a very eminent committee, but one of the members of the list which my hon. Friend will see in HANSARD tomorrow has been on the teaching staff of Guy's Hospital as an orthodontist for 20 years and on its senior teaching staff for 10 years. He is President of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics, and all the members of the Board have experience of orthodontics.

Mr. H. Morrison

Are we to understand from the attitude of the hon. Lady that she "does not like thee. Dr. Fell"?

Following is the answer:

Dental members:

Non-dental members:

Mr. Pringle has been on the teaching staff of Guy's Hospital as an orthodontist for twenty years and on its senior teaching staff for ten years. He is president of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics. All the dental members of the Board have experience in providing orthodontic treatment.

NOTE: The Chairmanship of the Board is vacant owing to the sudden death of the Chairman, Mr. W. Leslie Boness, F.D.S., R.C.S., on 6th July.

45. Mr. Fell

asked the Minister of Health on how many occasions during the last convenient year the Dental Estimates Board has informed a dentist that his proposed orthodontic treatment of a case was wrong in any respect; and in how many such cases the Board has suggested an alternative or modified form of treatment.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

My right hon. Friend regrets that this information is not available.

Mr. Fell

I am a little surprised to hear that——

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member should ask a question.

Mr. Fell

I am sorry, Mr. Speaker. Does not my hon. Friend consider that this information certainly ought to be available, especially as it is in connection with the previous Question? I certainly thought that there had been a change in policy in this matter, in that cases were originally reviewed; then there was no question of review, and now they are allowed to be reviewed again.