HC Deb 16 November 1954 vol 533 c202
23. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer on what date he was asked to receive a deputation from the National Federation of Old-Age Pensions Associations and what was the nature of his reply.

Mr. R. A. Butler

The National Federation of Old-Age Pensions Associations wrote on 10th November and asked me to receive a deputation. As matters relating to retirement pensions are primarily the concern of the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance, I advised the Federation to approach my right hon. Friend.

Mr. Hughes

Will the Chancellor tell us why he is so courteous and kindly to the Distillers' Association and dines with them, yet is not prepared to receive the Old-Age Pensions Associations? Will he accept my invitation to dine with the old-age pensioners to see what sort of things they dine on?

Mr. Butler

Would it depend on whether the distillers make a contribution?