§ 24. Mr. Roy Jenkinsasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what instructions or advice he has given to the banks about the making of loans to building societies.
§ Mr. R. A. ButlerNone, Sir.
§ Mr. JenkinsIs the Chancellor aware that there appears to be some misunderstanding that the banks are under a specific prohibition from the Treasury or from himself?
§ Mr. ButlerPerhaps the hon. Member will explain the difficulty as he sees it. So far as I can judge from my researches, I cannot find cause for this, but if he will give me greater enlightenment, I will take the matter further.
§ Mr. GaitskellIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that an important building society has recently been refused a specific loan by one of the banks on the ground that it was contrary to the instructions of the Treasury, and will he make a statement to make it perfectly plain, now if possible, that he sees no objection to a loan from the bank to the building society?
§ Mr. ButlerIf the right hon. Gentleman will send me the informationn to which he refers, I will see whether a statement can be made.