HC Deb 15 June 1954 vol 528 cc1714-5
12. Mr. Grimond

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to provide for more adequate liaison between the authorities responsible for the marketing and processing of herring in Scotland and the factories of Herring Bye-Products Limited and other processors of herring.

Mr. J. Stuart

Arrangements for liaison with herring processors are a matter for the Herring Industry Board, and I am assured that they are adequate.

Mr. Grimond

Is the Secretary of State aware that the closing of the Port of Lerwick seems to have been a tragic muddle? The Herring Industry Board was apparently not aware that by Saturday the factories could have taken more herring, and the curers, too, might have taken West Side herring. The arrangements are unsatisfactory, and should be reviewed.

Mr. Stuart

As I say, it is a matter for the Board, but the fact is, I am informed, that the herring at the bottom of the pits have to be cleared to stop further deterioration. For that reason the factory said that it could not take them.

Mr. Hector Hughes

Does the right hon. Gentleman remember that I have frequently asked him to provide effective liaison between the producer and the transporter of fish from the north of Scotland to the large consuming centres of the south? Has he done anything about it, and what is he going to do about it?

Mr. Stuart

That is a completely different question.

13. Mr. Grimond

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland why the port of Lerwick was closed for the landing of herring on 29th May when the factories could have taken 1,000 crans; and if he is aware that the factory ship has been idle since 30th May.

Mr. J. Stuart

The Herring Industry Board closed the port of Lerwick on Thursday, 27th May, because the Bressay factory and factory ship could not have taken more herring without impeding the processing of herring they already had. The following week curing started and catches fell off, so that the factory ship was no longer required, and she has been moved to Peterhead.

Mr. Grimond

Is the Secretary of State aware that he is quite misinformed? I am told by the manager of the factory that he could have taken 1,000 crans between the factory and the factory ship on 29th May. He told the Herring Industry Board that he could probably take more herring, but was never asked to do so.

Mr. Stuart

I have given the House the information in my possession. I am told that it would have meant the deterioration of herring in the pits.