HC Deb 08 February 1954 vol 523 c826
41. Mr. Pargiter

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government the arrangements now in force for financing industrial and commercial development in the new towns; and to what extent Treasury moneys are available for these purposes.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Mr. Ernest Marples)

Industrial and commercial development in new towns is in some cases carried out by development corporations out of advances made to them from the Consolidated Fund and in others by private enterprise.

Mr. Pargiter

Will the hon. Gentleman tell the House whether or not the development corporations are being discouraged from borrowing from Treasury funds available and are being encouraged to borrow from private sources?

Mr. Marples

There has been no Governmental interference in that respect. My right hon. Friend and I have gone round the country encouraging industrialists to go into the new towns, and they have received no discouragement on financial grounds.

Mr. E. Fletcher

In view of that reply, will the Minister relax the arrangements in some new towns whereby residential accommodation is given only to people who are prepared to work in them?

Mr. Marples

I do not think that my right hon. Friend has laid down any such policy. It is entirely a matter for each development corporation.

Mr. Pargiter

Can the hon. Gentleman say that in no case where the development corporation has applied for Treasury money has the application been refused?

Mr. Marples

I could not answer that question without notice. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will put it down. I said that as a matter of policy my right hon. Friend has done his best to encourage corporations to attach industry to particular towns.