HC Deb 09 December 1954 vol 535 cc1097-8
20. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is aware that motor cars are frequently parked not only on both sides of Harley Street, London, W.1, but in a double line on one side; and what action he proposes to take to stop this practice.

Major Lloyd-George

Harley Street is a one-way street and wide enough to accommodate four cars abreast; the police allow parking on both sides to meet the needs of the medical specialists. Sometimes cars wait for short periods outside those parked by the kerb, but this does not often interfere with the flow of traffic. The police take suitable action in cases of serious obstruction.

Mr. Johnson

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that this is a very frequent practice? Considerable numbers of cars are parked in the middle of the street, and that reduces traffic in Harley Street to a single lane.

Major Lloyd-George

My hon. Friend will appreciate that there are special circumstances here, because doctors are very often required for emergency calls both to hospitals and patients. [An HON. MEMBER: "Not in Harley Street."] Oh, yes. There is no adequate parking accommodation anywhere near. A few complaints have been received, and, where obstruction has been caused, action has been taken, and 13 summonses have been issued this year.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that it is alleged, with considerable weight, that the vast majority of the cars parked in Harley Street do not belong to the doctors.