HC Deb 27 October 1953 vol 518 cc2594-5
14. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Labour what action has been taken, or is contemplated, requiring employers to give every worker a contract of service.

Sir W. Monckton

None, Sir. This is a matter which is best left to industry itself to decide.

Mr. Dodds

But cannot the right hon. and learned Gentleman explain why it is that "The Right Road for Britain" made the promise to introduce a Workers Charter, humanise industry and give the worker security, something for him to work for and a position where he will not feel a cog in a machine? Is it not just plan political dishonesty?

Sir W. Monckton

What I have been concerned with—and I hope I have lived and learned a little in the last two years—is whether we can get the object served. The object is that the worker should have every opportunity of knowing the terms and conditions of his employment. That is done sometimes by booklets, sometimes by notices put up and in other ways, and, with the help of industry, I am trying to encourage that process in the way I think most effective.